Department Contact Directory
For more information, please call, email, or send us a message using the contact form. Be sure to provide your name, email address, phone number, and home address.
Business OfficePhone: (518) 274-3110
Human ResourcesPhone: (518) 274-3110 ext. 3012
Brunswick Center ServicesPhone: (518) 279-4723
Clinical ServicesPhone: (518) 273-6600
Riverside Enterprises SouthPhone: (518) 272-3800
Riverside Enterprises NorthPhone: (518) 233-7845
Community Inclusion ProjectPhone: (518) 274-9232
School to Employment Transition ServicesPhone: (518) 272-3800
Riverside Enterprises EmploymentPhone: (518) 274-9392
Family SupportsPhone: (518) 272-3805
Residential SupportsPhone: (518) 273-6600
AffiliatePhone: (518) 273-6600 ext 3229
Intake/Innovation & Design Self Directed ServicesPhone: (518) 273-6600
Communications & Development DepartmentPhone: (518) 274-3110 ext 3028